A. Identify areas of strength
An area of strength for me was staying consistant throughout each practice in the manner in which I warmed up.
B. Identify areas of needed improvement
An area of needed improvement was advancing my warmup along with new things that I learned. It was difficult for me to change my warm up because I enjoy patterns.
C. What strategies might you use to overcome these challenges?
By conferencing with my piano instructor and not allowing myself to relax into a pattern I believe I could've added much more to my routine.
A. Identify areas of strength
My strength this semester has been my ability to stay on task while in the studio.
B. Identify areas of needed improvement
While I was consistant once in a practice room, I was very inconsistent with my class time.
C. What strategies might you use to overcome these challenges?
I would allocate more time for the class in my schedule.
3. Work Habits
A. Identify areas of strength
Overall, my work habits are definitely above average. I feel very self motivated and it is pretty hard to get my off track at large. I have always worked well independently and I believe I am also good at remaining positive.
B. Identify areas of needed improvement
This semester has been crazy so an area of needed improvement is most definitely my attendance and my ability to designate time to work on this course.
C. What strategies might you use in the future to overcome these challenges ?
I would ask more questions to peers about the specifics of the workload in a course before I tried to juggle it in the same block with another challenging course.
In what way have you grown as a
musician this semester?
I started off not a musician at all. While I'm
not leaving a master pianist, I believe the main way in which I have grown is that I am now familiar with the realm of music in a way that I previously was
has been the greatest benefit/most rewarding aspect of your learning experience
The most rewarding aspect of this course has
been the time it has allowed me to get away from the hectic nature of the rest of the world. During the class period, the only thing to focus on is the piano and how to play it. No distractions
or outside influences, just me. It was a very stress reducing experience and I am very grateful for it.
How would you approach the process differently
if you had another opportunity to learn in this manner?
I would schedule a full block for the course. While I appreciated the
time it gave me for myself, if I had more class time to complete the units, I would've been able to sink deeper into learning the piano.
Review the Benchmark Goals you set for yourself in Getting Started(Unit 10);
What is it that you hope to know and/or be able to do at the conclusion of the course?
A. Comment on your semester achievements in relation to your initial goals
I feel that because I set my benchmark goals at reasonable levels of expectation, I was able to complete them all rather well.
B. How well did you achieve your goal? What goals were met? What goals were not met?
My goals to be able to play simple songs as well as feel the gratification of having learned something new were both accomplished.
C. How well did you avoid sources of interference to stay on task?
I was unsuccessful at preventing other courses from interfering with my time in this course. However, when I was able to show up for full classes, I feel I did well at staying on task.
A. Comment on the outcome of these self assessments as it relates to the quality of your work this semester
I believe that while some of the work was much too late, I always ended up turning in quality units with thoughtful responses to questions and solid video demonstrations.
B. What has been your greatest strength?
My greatest strength has been my ability to turn in work that meets or surpasses the expectation in terms of quality.
C. How can you compensate for weaknesses?
Because I can be rather fixated on perfection, I won't let go of a unit until I feel I've done my best. This causes major delays but I believe that by practicing working on the quality of work I can then overcome the negatives of delays.
D. What have you learned about learning?
I've learned that we can't learn in the same way for all things. It takes different mindsets to learn different types of things and I needed to allow myself to find this new mindset before I started absorbing the material.
E. How does what you learned relate to other things you have been learning or have experienced?
By acknowledging the shift of head space needed to be fully present from task to task I can apply it to future pianos lessons and practices as well as all new things I need to learn throughout life.
Review your Music Literacy Benchmark Assessment(Unit 1)
A. Comment on the status of your current comfort level with this material relative to the past(#'s)
I feel I have moved up about one level on each. I would like to think I have moved up two on some of them, but I know there is still an incredible mount to learn and I don't wish to under estimate that.
B. How well did you achieve what you set out to learn?
Because my main wish coming in was just to leave with a better understanding across the board, I feel it was a success.
C. What concepts were achieved? What concepts remain a mystery?
Rather than say a concept is either a mystery or achieved I will give each concept a 1-5 rating like in unit 1.
Pitch - 3
Rhythm - 3
Meter - 2
Signs, Symbols & Terms - 2
Scales - 2
Key Signatures - 3
Chords - 2
Intervals - 3
Ear Training - 2
Dictation - 3
Sight Reading - 2
Average: 2.45
Unit 1 Average: 1.18
Briefly review the assignments you have submitted for Units 6-9
A. Comment on the quality of work reflected in your ePortfolio as well as the content of your manilla folder
I believe the quality of work in these units was high. While outside elements allowed me to fall slightly behind at some points, I believe I always submitted solid units that met the standards expected of the course.
B. Did you modify your portfolio approach for the second part of the semester or repeat your approach from the first part?
While I set out to make sure I wouldn't have any more late units, that only lasted till SATs began and I was unsuccessful in my change.
A. Identify 3 of the most important concepts or skills you learned in this course
The basics of reading music, hand placements, the ability to practice music daily.
B. Explain why you perceive these concepts or skills to be important
I've always wanted to understand sheet music on some level. While I only know the basics, it feels like an introduction to a nre language. The hand placements on piano are key to using the sheet music at all. Before, I didn't know what middle C was. Now, I can use the different hand positions to read and then play simple songs. Being able to memorize and practice a piece of music every day was a new skill in and of itself and it made me feel successful in a new way.
C. How do you anticipate using these concepts or skills in the future?
I wish to continue to learn music throughout my life and these foundational concepts will serve me well in this endeavor.
Start each unit that requires a video by making the video. I'd often find myself finishing everything else first and delaying the filming indefinitely. You might as well get it over with, even if you're a perfectionist like me.
While I recognize my culpability in my late assignments, I feel going forward the workload of part time students should be slightly decreased or part time students should not be allowed to participate unless they have previous experience with the department.