What are musical technical skills?
Technical skills are the aggregate of the ideas and methods you have learned throughout your practice.
How do the goals differ between a warm-up and a technical skill?
Within a warm-up, you are seeking an improvement of dexterity and an ease into your overall practice. Technical skills are the drills you go over relentlessly to improve your overall demeanor while playing.
How are warm-ups and technical skills similar?
They are similar in that they are both there to train your hands into doing what your brain wants them to do. Additionally, they will both improve with time.
1. Areas of strengths for Technical Skills
A, B, D, G
2. Areas of needed improvement or revisions for Technical Skills
C, E, F
A. Choice of material for the development of flexibility and strength; slurs, rudiments, shifting, finger/hand drills, scales, range
B. Choice of material for the development of articulation; scale patterns, tonguing, picking, accents, bow strokes, pedal, diction
C. Ability to play with a steady tempo; use of a metronome
D. Ability to go back and repeat technical skill challenges
E. Ability to utilize a variety of techniques to master challenges
F. Ability to display a degree of persistence during technical skill development
G. Ability to add new technical elements to the practice session
1. Who was your partner?
2. Describe the warm-up shared with you by your partner.
Sabayo showed me very cool (and complex) warmups mostly consisting of scales and chords. He showed me 8ths and even 10th.
3. Describe the technical skill shared with you by your partner.
I showed him what I know. 4ths, 5ths etc. Obviously I wasn’t gonna teach him anything new, but it was a super fun time anyway.
4 . Are these applicable to your practice routine or unrelated?
While they were more advanced than the level I usually attempt, they pushed me further and were definitely applicable.