1. Have you been successful in integrating all layers of this Practice Session Pyramid?
For the most part, yes. This pyramid helps tremendously with the structure and pace of my class time.
2. What aspects of this pyramid do you find helpful?
Setting the class up for success from the beginning is conducive to a helpful learning environment - especially for me. I find this kind of structure to be very motivating.
3. What aspects of this pyramid do you find to be a challenge?
Sometimes I lose track of time during specific parts of the pyramid and go slightly over the allotted time
4. What was the most satisfying aspect of your practice this week?
Coming back from break and feel as good - if not better - on the piano as when I left was a really great day.
Because of the inherently infrequent nature of my class time, one of the moe difficult elements for me has been remembering terms and piano jargon. Because of this, I thought I would drill down on them with the signs symbols and terms tool. This will help them stick in between practice times.
My pair and share partner was Sabayo. He helped me drill reading notes in a really fun way. Pointing randomly all over the sheet music and having me react to it quickly was fun and intellectually stimulating. He also showed me some ways of remembering notes even when moving away from middle C. It was extremely permanent to my learning goals this week.